Saturday, September 3, 2011

Message To Congress

This is a message for our representatives in Congress. Your job is very simple – protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies both foreign and domestic. That alone should have been your guiding principle, without advocating to lobbyists or specific groups such as corporations and unions or those who help you get re-elected to power.

Over the years we Americans have put our faith and trust in you - And over the years you have showed us that your interest is not what’s best for our country and its citizens but yourselves. If I am not mistaken, one of your main jobs is to regulate, promote and constitute a healthy economy for the country. The United States of America. Not China or India and definitely not the Middle East or The European Union.

Where were you and what were you doing, before the housing market collapsed? While China has been destabilizing the financial security of our country, where was the outcry from our representatives? Why, when the country was facing soaring unemployment did you focus on healthcare? Why did you spend trillions on stimulus that not only failed to stimulate the economy but instead left us deeper in debt? Why have you added thousands and thousands of pages of new legislation that has not only failed to protect us but have driven business costs through the roof, leaving us even less competitive on a global basis? Why have you failed to address the real problem facing our country – Overspending?

We gave you $2 Trillion dollars this year to run the country yet you put us on the hook for almost $2 Trillion more… When is enough actually enough? You have all the resources and power to perform and deliver good results, but for a variety of reasons you have not, year after year. You have not only hurt the entire country but also dishonored your word to protect us. You have demoralized the citizens of this great nation.

It’s not only wrong and immoral; it’s dangerous to keep you in power.
Please step down and let someone who truly cares about the country do the job.
You can still do something right and be remembered for having the character to take responsibility for your failures and resign. Step down from office. Enough is enough.

©2011, Angelica Wolf

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