Freedom vs. Anarchy
posted 10 hours ago by Angelica Wolf [ updated 10 hours ago ]
In the last couple of months, we have all witnessed the spectacular protests being held under the "Occupy" movement. The movement is made up of disparate groups that have come together to protest what they feel is an unfair government that favors rich over poor, big business over labor and a host of other grievances. In fact, it is at times difficult to know what their real goals are, as interviews conducted with various protestors seem unable to clarify an overriding cause or objective. While they have had trouble putting into words what their goals are, we have been able to witness the actions of this crowd and from that we can glean what is at the core of the movement - anarchy.
Anarchy is defined* as:
1. Absence of any form of political authority.
2. Political disorder and confusion.
3. Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.
Over the past several decades, there has been a persistent effort in our country and throughout much of western culture to reject all authority. It started in earnest in the 1950's with the anti-establishment movement, accelerated through the Vietnam era and really took root in colleges and universities during the late 60's and early 70's. In 1966, Ronald Reagan, as then governor of California, gave a speech warning about how radicals were using colleges and universities to recruit young people to their cause. He quoted a California university professor as saying, "I think we agree that the revolution is necessary and that you don't conduct a revolution by attacking the strongest enemy first. You take care of your business at home first, then you move abroad. Thus we must make the university the home of the revolution." Since that time, there has been a consistent message of radicalization being poured into the minds of impressionable youth.
When I attended school in the 1980's, these efforts were still somewhat marginal. Today, they are right out in the open and in your face. A prime example of this is the recent comments of a Suffolk University Law professor who said US soldiers were those who go to other lands to kill people. Never mind that our country's soldiers have freed more oppressed people than any other nation in history. Never mind that we saved Europe from Nazi domination. Forget about the fact that our military stopped the Soviets from spreading Communism throughout the free world and eventually, freed even those living under the hammer and sickle themselves. Never mind that western-style democracy has lifted more people out of poverty, ignorance and bitter infighting and increased the standard of living more than any other political ideology. It is a concerted effort to distort and rewrite history so as to take advantage of the ignorant and misinformed. But to what end?. Are we to believe that those who promote anarchy and a complete "throwing off" of government have no greater ambition than social justice? And how will they achieve that social justice they speak of?
History has given us many clear examples of how these movements achieve their goals - at the end of a gun. The first thing they do is terminate all dissenting opinion with prejudice. All those who might be able to sway public opinion are marginalized, jailed and even murdered. The free press is dismantled and state-run media is installed in its place. This allows the new government to ensure a consistent message to the people - one which promotes the new government and leadership, of course. The armed forces must also be controlled, or else a military dictatorship may rise up and overthrow the new government. Individual freedoms are taken away one by one. The freedom of speech, the right to assemble, the right to own firearms, freedom of religious expression, the ability to move about freely - all gone in a short period of time. Soon, the government tells you what kind of work you must do, where and if you can go to school, where you must live, how much you can make, etc. Every aspect of your life becomes controlled by the state in order to ensure "Social Justice". Freedom becomes a thing of the past.
Today, our youth are taught that Freedom and Anarchy are the same thing. They are taught that freedom is being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want. But is this true freedom? What if I want to shoot my neighbor's dog because it sometimes barks at night? What if I want something you have and I am strong enough to take it? What if I don't want to participate in taking care of the nation's infrastructure and I simply refuse to pay taxes? What if I don't feel like hauling my trash to a proper place of disposal and instead just choose to dump it on the side of the road? What if I don't feel like obeying traffic laws? Is my ability to do whatever I want the true test of freedom?
I would submit that real freedom is liberty with responsibility. It involves understanding that every choice I make impacts others around me. It means I must temper my decisions with the knowledge that others will be affected and I must strive for a positive personal outcome that will not harm others. Anything less is short-sighted. If I harm you by my choices, you or someone else will do the same to me. Social order devolves into chaos. Only the strong can survive. The weak are preyed upon by the strong and moral leadership is replaced with schoolyard bullies. Individual liberties are lost and remain so until enough people rise up to throw off the brutal regime. Our founders understood this completely. In 1798, John Adams, in a speech to the military, warned "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, said "...without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments." These men and many others understood that freedom can only flourish in a moral environment. We must be willing to rule our own passions and exercise self-control if we want a society that is just and truly free.
Liberty without responsibility is not freedom. It's called narcissism.
© 2011, Angelica Wolf
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Definition of Anarchy courtesy of "The Free Dictionary" by Farlex.
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